Saturday, 1 March 2014

onigiri recipe

today i will blog about onigiri (japanese rice ball) recipe... is really simple to make....

ingredients (for 3-4pax)
japanese rice                       2cups
furikake                               1-2 bags depending how many flavours  you want to make
japanese rice vinegar           6-8 tbsp
PS: furikake = Japanese condiment meant to be sprinkled on top of rice

1. cook the rice....
2. in my case, i have 2 different flavours of furikake so i split the rice into 2 portions & to each bowl of rice i added approximately 3-4 tbsp of vinegar (volume can adjust to your liking)
furikake = 2 bags at the bottom, i gotten them from daiso so is $2 each, cheaper than getting it from NTUC
 3. sprinkle the furikake on the rice & mix well.... you will probably need about 1/2 to 3/4 of bag... DONT add the whole bag for this amount of rice, it will be super salty...
rice with furikake
4. roll the rice into onigiri.... it will help if you use the onigiri mould... can also get them from daiso... i couldnt find mine so i just roll into rice balls.... it is important that you wet your hands/mould with water before moulding onigiri... it will prevent the rice from sticking
onigiri mould
really simple right?? of cause you can add other ingredients inside the onigiri, like plum, tuna flakes, seaweed, etc.... is up to your imagination =)

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